Site History

New Jersey Chapter of the
International Association of Forensic Nursing

Site History

In service to our website’s regular visitors, and in recognition of the increased growth of this site, this page has been created to document the most recent changes to the website. This way, if you’ve been to our site previously, you won’t have to hunt through all of it again to see what has been added or changed. You’ll only need to visit this page to learn about what’s new – the most recent changes reflected in descending order.

28 October 2005Updated all SANE Program info, and Prosecutor Office and M.E. Office info for Cape May County. Created listing and link to IAFN online membership application form, and copy of their .PDF version of the form.
8 October 2005Cleaned up some of the graphical elements from throughout the website. Removed references to outdated or archived seminars or conferences. Removed “formally named” section of the NJ-IAFN.
26th & 27th
Sept 2005
Updated info about SANE training at Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and at the University of Pennsylvania. Changed date for Death Investigation course at Monmouth University. Appended additional link in connection with IAFN Scientific Assembly.  Added an FAQ about “How do I become a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner?” Added BYLAWS under the membership section, as well as a link to the .PDF version of the BYLAWS.
12 July 2005Applied further updates and information to the Morris County SANE listing.
7 July 2005Updated Morris County SANE Coordinator information to reflect that Cindy Alloway, RN, MSN, is in that role, along with her current contact info.  Deleted the listing under UPCOMING MEETINGS (mainpage) for the May 4th meeting at the middlesex Fire Academy, and moved up the listing for the September 14th meeting at the Burlington County Prosecutors Office.  Also, added a reminder about the IAFN Scientific Assembly in September.  Lastly, corrected the transposed FAX and phone numbers of the NJ Regional Medical Examiner Office.
March 2005Posted on the mainpage and the Useful Documents subpage, a link to the new Attorney General Standards for Providing Services to Victims of Sexual Assault on-line at:
Also, updated the Chapter Meetings subpage (Membership section) to reflect the recent listing on the mainpage.
20 Feb 2005Posted announcement of two upcoming meetings to the homepage, and presentation “The VICAP Program and Interviewing Victims.” Updated information on Committees and Chapter Officers.  Added Monmouth University’s SANE program to the list of Education/Training events.  Added Mdeicolegal Death Investigation to Death Investigation Traing/Events section.  Removed prior link to AG’s guidelines in anticipation of link to the new guidelines.  REMEMBER, we were the first place one could find the NJ guidelines online when they came out in 1999!  Changed feedback phone number to 732.866.3570.  Added link to directions for Burlington County Prosecutors Office.
29 Sept 2004Posted announcement of October 14th reorganizational meeting and “Tips for Testifying: Tales from the Witness Box”.
29 Nov 2003Posted announcement of Dec. 1st  presentation “Stangulation Injuries – What You Need to Know in a Criminal Case”.
26 July 2003Updated numerous entries on the NJ SANE/SART Programs subpage – new coordinators and contact info in particular. Updated NJ County Medical Examiners listing, notably changes for Camden, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Union, and Warren Counties.
8 July 2003Placed annoucement of July 30th Chapter Meeting and accompanying HAZMAT lecture on the mainpage, plus a downloadable .pdf of the announcement and directions to the Middlesex Fire Academy.
2 April 2003Posted “NJ Division on Women – Rape Care Centers” listing on its own webpage under the RESOURCES & DATA section, plus updated the Rape Care Center contact info on the SANE/SART webpage. Corrected listing of Eileen Caraker’s phone number.
28 March 2003Posted to the mainpage and the SANE EVENTS section that Rutgers is tentatively offering “The Assessment and Evaluation of the Adult Sexual Assault Survivor Introductory Course” at Rutgers – Camden, June 4 – 8, 2003.
26 March 2003Updated Gloucester County’s SANE/SART contact info.
15 March 2003Rahway Hospital is added as a SANE/SART participating hospital in Union County.
14 March 2003Changed Union County information to reflect SART Coordinator is no longer Rita Collela, but Felicia Infante. Changed Rape Care Advocacy for Gloucester County from PASA to SERV, with MaryAnne Giello as Director;  second site added at Kennedy, Washington Township. Removed announcement of the March 10th lecture at Monmouth University from the homepage and from the active Forensic Events page, placing it in the Archives. Added the announcement of Dr. Lee’s seminar down at George Mason University to the homepage, and the Forensic Events page.
February 2003Website transitioned over to new look, with improved navigational tools and maintenance utiliities (especially to help better manage stale listings, yet still keeping them available as a reference resource for those who are interested in them). “Introduction to Forensic Nursing” session at Monmouth University listed.  Updated many of the links on the Useful Websites sub-page.
7 September 2002Posted announcement of the upcoming September 25th Chapter Meeting, with guest speaker Dr. Faruk Presswalla.
27 April 2002The phone number and Fax number of new Chapter President, Carole Boutilier, has been replaced the previous numbers referenced on the website’s homepage.
26 April 2002Much has transpired over the past few months, what with new elections of officers, illnesses, new programs, job shifts, legislative and certification matters, education and job opportunities, etc… The mainpage has been updated to reference two of these items – a recent job opportunity in Monmouth County for a Death Investigator, and the announcement of the new MSN in forensic nursing at Monmouth University. Please also note informational updates on the County SANE Programs webpage, relating especially to the Programs in Burlington, Camden, Hudson, and Mercer Counties.
20 November 2001Included announcement of the upcoming NJ-IAFN Chapter Meeting on December 6th. Updated County SANE program information regarding Atlantic County, including the announcement of the impending participation of Shore Memorial Hospital!
11 September 2001Mainpage modified to indicate the cancellation of the NJ-IAFN Chapter Meeting on September 12th, due to the tragic events of September 11th..
3 September 2001Included announcement of the upcoming NJ-IAFN Chapter Meeting on September 12th. Updated SANE training dates for Rutgers and UPenn. Updated SANE program information regarding Camden County.
25 July 2001Addition to the Special Annoucement on the homepage of two more job opportunities – SANE nurses needed in Mercer and Salem Counties. Also, Alice A. Lloyd is now listed as the new SANE Coordinator for Mercer County on the New Jersey SANE/SART Programs subpage.
14 July 2001Special annoucement on the homepage of two job opportunities – a Legal Nurse Consultant position in Middlesex County and a SANE Coordinator position in Passaic County – with a link to more information about them on the Job Opportunities subpage. Also, provided a link from the Networking/Events subpage to information about Sexual Assault Forensic Nurse Examiner Training being offered by the Prince George’s Hospital Center in Maryland.
1 May 2001Typo – the link on the New Jersey Chapter News subpage to the Winter 2001 newletter incorrectly indicated that it was to the Summer 2000 newsletter. It now correctly lists it as the Winter 2001 link.
21 April 2001Added the announcement of the up-coming Chapter Meeting and presentation TERRORISM – Weapons of Mass Destruction (with guest speaker Dr. Faruk Presswalla) scheduled for May 15, 2001 at the Community Medical Center of Toms River. There are references/links to it from both the site’s homepage and from the EDUCATION & NETWORKING subpage.
8 April 2001Up-dated the NJ-IAFN mailing address to reflect the change from the old Parlin address to the new Roosevelt, NJ address – done on the website’s homepage and on the membership application form. Please let us know of any other occurences we may have missed. Removed the link to the Seton Hall University program, that was on the mainpage, since those dates have past. The URL of Reddy’s Forensic Page had changed, so the link to it from our USEFUL WEBSITES page has been modified to reflect the new URL address.
22 February 2001The website’s counter has been out-of-synch for the past few weeks, shortly after passing 5000 hits. The CGI scripting has been fixed, and now the counter reflects a count of 6149, which is admittedly probably a little off, but the alternative would be to start the counter all over. Please regard the counter as a guesstimate, not a precise measurement of hits – and in the scheme of things, probably helps make up for the initial counter losing all hits when the site was first moved from its original web site host 3+ years ago.
17 February 2001Updated the SANE Training Programs page with more current information regarding the training at the Rutgers College of Nursing. Also, appended a display box to the mainpage with information about the upcoming Rutgers course on March 22 – 26, 2001.
10 February 2001The big news with this update is the announcement of the jointly sponsored Sexual Assault Conference in late February. Also, the Seton Hall University College of Nursing is excited to present “The Assessment and Evaluation of Adult Survivors of Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence”. Both events have links to them from off of the mainpage, as well as from the Education & Networking sub-page. Also, the latest issue of the Chapter’s newsletter is available on-line, via the Newsletter link on the Membership page.
3 December 2000The SANE Training Programs page was updated to reflect the latest session being offered at Seton Hall University’s College of Nursing. The Registration form for the SANE training was also updated, and a special mention added to the mainpage of the website.
28 October 2000Several new additions, and updates – the additions are the listings of New Jersey County Prosecutor’s Offices, New Jersey Local Courthouses, and New Jersey State and County Medical Examiner Offices, and the updates are to the listing of New Jersey SANE Programs and the addition of The Coroner’s Toolkit website to the listing of Useful Web Sites.
10 October 2000The homepage reference to the August 28th NJ-IAFN meeting was removed, as it was out-of-date.
27 August 2000The Winter 2000 and Summer 2000 newsletters were converted into .PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format for us, and are accessible via the Newsletter link on the Membership page.
21 August 2000Announcement of the August 28, 2000 NJ-IAFN meeting was posted as a “Special Feature” on the homepage. The job announcement for a SANE NURSES WANTED for Union County has been removed from the frontpage, but is still available for reference on the Job Opportunities sub-page.
25 July 2000The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner page that is a sub-page of the Education & Networking page has been updated to list the dates and times of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Certificate program at Rutgers’ Newark and Camden campuses.
18 July 2000Posted a job announcement for a SANE NURSES WANTED for Union County.
15 July 2000The homepage’s Special Feature’s box has had an image of the cover of Ann Burgess’ new book added to the display.
23 June 2000The homepage’s Special Feature’s hyperlink is changed to link to the .PDF file issued for the book (“Violence Through a Forensic Lens”), by our respected colleague Ann Burgess, RN, DNSc at the University of Pennsylvania.
20 June 2000The homepage’s Special Feature section has been updated to include a description and link to information regarding the newest book (“Violence Through a Forensic Lens”) by our respected colleague Ann Burgess, RN, DNSc at the University of Pennsylvania.
12 June 2000The listing for Bergen County on the COUNTY PROGRAMS has been deleted, pending further information on the future of that program. Also, the contact e-mail address and navigation bar on the page were updated.
31 May 2000The link on the USEFUL WEBSITES to the New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists website has been modified to their new URL: Removed the Special Announcement on our mainpage for the April 11th SANE Council Meeting.
4 April 2000Placed the announcement of the April 11th SANE Council Meeting on the homepage as a “Special Feature”. Also the link to the IAFN from the IAFN logo was modified to go to their new address: And turned off the “blinking” markup code for “Degree Programs.”
17 March 2000On the Education & Networking page, there is a link to “The Assessment and Evaluation of the Adult Sexual Survivor” course in NYC in April, and a link to the “Clinical Forensics” conference the Virginia Chapter of the IAFN is having April 27th at the University of Virginia . Also, the SANE Training Programs page has updated dates, locations, and contact info regarding the Rutgers College of Nursing Center for Professional Development. Also, updated some navigation bars on some of the subpages that didn’t have all the sub-categories listed.
27 February 2000Put the latest edition of the New Jersey Chapter News (Vol. 2, Issue 1) online. Created a link to it from the Membership page, and added “Newsletter” to the left side navigation bar under the Membership section. Also, posted the announcement of the March 2nd NJ-IAFN Membership Meeting on the homepage as well as in the announcement for the Forensic Photography Class, since the meeting will be immediately following it, at 9:30PM.
15 February 2000Posted the announcement about the Forensic Photography Class that is being offered on March 2nd, 2000 at Seton Hall University, co-sponsored by the NJ-IAFN, with links to it from the homepage and from the EDUCATION & NETWORKING subpage.
25/26 January 2000Lots of updates, revisions, and additions… The homepage and the FEEDBACK page have both been modified to reflect the NJ-IAFN’s new phone and FAX numbers. The EDUCATION & NETWORKING page has been re-organized to feature the upcoming events and training at the beginning of the listed items, with past events listed separately and towards the bottom, for those who may wish to reference what has already gone on before. The upcoming events that are listed are the Domestic Violence And Sexual Assault Clinical Update, the Pomerado Hospital Sexual Assault Training Program, and the Pediatric Forensic Nurse Training. The SANE Training Programs list was updated to reflect information and links regarding the upcoming training being offered by Seton Hall University and the University of Pennsylvania. The RESOURCES page has been modified to include a section pertaining to the acquiring of USEFUL DOCUMENTS – check it out to see all links. The USEFUL WEBSITES page has been updated to include links to the Academy of Behavioral Profiling and to the “Forensic Science Discussion Group”, as well as the removal of the information pertaining to the PROFILING-L Criminal Profiling discussion list. Added new dates for the “The Medicolegal Death Investigator Training Course” at the St. Louis University School of Medicine. Plus some general house-cleaning throughout the entire site, making sure to distinguish year 1999-dated events from year 2000-dated events.
10 January 2000In connection with posting the notice of a job announcement for a SANE Coordinator in Union County, established a new JOB OPPORTUNITES webpage off of the RESOURCES webpage. Also, modified the homepage to reflect the announcement of the next SANE Training Program at Seton Hall in May, after the success of the January program.
2 January 2000Happy New Year. Modified the homepage and the Resources subpage to reflect the latest information about the SANE Training Program being offered at Seton Hall University on January 5th through 9, 2000. Also, appended another site to this USEFUL WEBSITES listing, this one being the Forensic Law & Science website. Updated the listing of NJ County SANE programs to reflect that Ann Marie Savoye is the Somerset County Coordinator. Noted to the Resources subpage that Rutgers is also offering SANE training in January, but currently lacking specifics – at last check their own website didn’t list it, so please contact them directly for more information.
20 November 1999Apparently, depending on your resource, the address for Morris County Police & Fire Academy appears either as in Morristown or Parsippany. Accordingly, we have appended an area map to the webpage so that you may best chart your route to the Academy building.
15 November 1999Posted notice of the NJ-IAFN’s Autumn 1999 Chapter Meeting taking place on November 23rd, and featuring a lecture by Dr. Ronald Suarez, Morris County Chief Medical Examiner. Included links to this from off of the homepage as well as from the Membership Meetings sub-page.
13 November 1999Amended account with NameSecure so that anyone entering a URL address of WWW.NJAFN.COM will be routed to the new address WWW.NJ-IAFN.ORG. This is only temporary, and hopefully people will bookmark the new web address.
6 November 1999Amended the old WWW.NJAFN.COM homepage to automatically take visitors from that address to the new web address WWW.NJ-IAFN.ORG (after 20 seconds to give them time to read about the change). Also, amended the FAX number to 909-498-9506 on the homepage, and the new e-mail address to [email protected].
1 November 1999The NJ-IAFN is pleased to make the transition to a new domain name (NJ-IAFN.ORG) from its old domain name (NJAFN.COM). This also included moving to a new hosting service – WWW.DREAMLOOM.COM. Accordingly, a notice was placed on the old homepage advising visitors of the change and the need to bookmark the new address. The old web address is expected to expire on or about November 20, 1999.
2 October 1999Added an “special announcement” on the mainpage about the re-scheduling of the October 1,2,3, 16, and 17, 1999 Seton Hall University Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program, with a link to the at-length explanation.
Changed the tentative dates for the Seton Hall University SANE Program to January 5,6,7, 8, and 9, 2000 on the SANE Training Programs page.
Added information about a on-line course entitled “FS207 Forensic Issues for Nursing Professionals” on the Forensic Educational Events page
18 September 1999Added an additional image to the collection of images from the August IAFN Assembly.
Added a link to John McPhail’s website, from our “Useful Websites” page.
Added Coordinator Carole Boutilier and the Sussex County SANE Program to our listing of NJ SANE programs.
8 September 1999Added an on-line registration form that can be printed-out and mailed in so as to register for the 5-day SANE Training in October on 1,2,3,16, and 17, 1999 at Seton Hall University. This form can be found via a link off of our Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training Programs and Conferences page. This latter page has also been modified to include the dates and contact info for the University of Pennsylvania’s November, 1999 SANE Training Program.
31 August 1999Added a page about the two informational sessions scheduled for September regarding “The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner and SANE/SART Program Development in New Jersey”. There are links to it from off of our homepage, as well as from off of our EDUCATION & NETWORKING webpage. Also, modified a caption item on one of the IAFN Assembly images.
30 August 1999Added some images from the 1999 IAFN Annual Scientific Assembly recently held in Scottsdale, AZ. They are accessible via our EDUCATION & NETWORKING webpage.
14 August 1999Added Seton Hall University School of Nursing’s SANE TRAINING CONFERENCE WITH LINDA LEDRAY to our Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner webpage. Also, updated the information regarding Rutger’s Certificate program.
10 August 1999Posted FAQ page, consisting right now of two very basic questions we get asked: What is forensic nursing, and what do forensic nurses actually do? More questions, and answers, will be posted on an on-going basis, especially relating to education and training. The FAQ page is accessed off of the Resources page.
12 July 1999Posted updated Membership Form, reflecting our IAFN State Chapter status, and including some better-looking graphics. As in the past, the Membership Form is accessed off of the Membership page.
11 July 1999Posted announcement regarding the Special Meeting about funding that has become available for all counties in NJ for existing and/or future SANE programs. Links were made to the webpage from the NJ-IAFN homepage as well as from the RESOURCES page. Also, added a separate page featuring directions to the NJSNA Headquarters in Trenton, the site of the Special Meeting.
10 July 1999Appended a great deal more information and images to the page devoted to the up-coming IAFN Assembly. The link to it is the IAFN CONVENTION item on the EDUCATION & NETWORKING page (formerly the “Events” page).

Appended the NJ Chapter-IAFN logo to the Homepage, as well as a different IAFN logo – a B&W version replacing the color version.
26 June 1999Modified the left-side navigation bar to emphasize the educational offerings. Previously this section was just called EVENTS – now it is EDUCATION & NETWORKING, and “Degree Programs” is added as an item on the listing, even though the information about degree programs has always been available on the site. The EDUCATION & NETWORKING subpage has also been re-arranged, to try to better reflect the variety of offerings – forums, workshops, seminars, degree programs, and various meetings and assemblies. Still need to reflect these navigation bar changes on the other site pages…
28 June 1999Posted notice of the presentation “A CHILD ABUSE UPDATE” by the Regional Perinatal Consortium of Monmouth & Ocean Counties, Inc. The link to it is under the SANE TRAINING section off of the EDUCATION & NETWORKING page (formerly the “Events” page).
13 June 1999Posted information regarding SANE / Forensic Nurse Training being offered by the Forensic Nurse Examiners of St. Mary’s Hospital and the Virginia Division of Forensic Science under the SANE TRAINING section off of the EVENTS page.

Also, posted Alyssa Knowles as head of the NJ-IAFN Membership Committee.
12 June 1999Posted images from the June 10th NJSNA Forensic Nursing Forum, and created a link to it from the EVENTS page.
7 June 1999Amended the e-mail address for subscibing to the Clinical Forensic Nursing Discussion List on the USEFUL WEBSITES page.
2 June 1999Posted announcement regarding June 10th NJSNA Forensic Nursing Forum, and created a link to it from the EVENTS page.
24 May 1999Working in conjunction with Deputy Attorney General James A. Gilson, the NJ-IAFN was privleged to be able to provide the first online version of the Department of Criminal Justice’s STANDARDS FOR PROVIDING SERVICES TO SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. The link to it was added to the RESOURCES page.